SSH into RPI

I was able to Secure Shell (SSH) into my Pi by getting some hints from Raspberry Pi.Org Documentation. I was able to get in but because my command line skills are so limited I wasn’t able to do anything more than look inside a directory. Ultimately I’d just like to learn how to copy and/or move a file from one machine to the other.

The first thing I did was to connect my Mac to the Pi by Ethernet. I will try to see if I can do it wirelessly, but I wanted to take that out of the equation – maybe I didn’t have to. Then I went to the Pi terminal and typed hostname -I. That gave me the ip number of the Pi. Then I went back to the terminal on the Mac and typed ssh pi@ Then I listed the directory for Python Games and exited.
John-Donaldsons-MacBook-Pro:~ k2kid$ ssh pi@
pi@’s password:

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Last login: Sat Feb 13 12:54:09 2016 from
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls -l python_games
total 1800
-rw-rw-r– 1 pi pi 9731 Jan 27 2015 4row_arrow.png

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ exit
Connection to closed.
John-Donaldsons-MacBook-Pro:~ k2kid$

I did try it without the ethernet connection and as I suspected it didn’t work – a problem best left ignored for the moment.

Next task – how do I move and or copy back and forth between machines?

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