Goodbye Wheezy, Hello Jessie

I really wanted to get an email client onto my Pi, but it seemed like Wheezy wasn’t up to the task so I had to break-up with her. It was a clean break and I’m sure she’s ok about it. I quickly found Jessie and am hoping we can be together for a while.


First I had to get a larger sim card as Jessie weighs in at 3.5 Gb. Then I reformatted it using SDFormatter from SD Association.

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I downloaded the image onto my Mac and moved it over to the Pi and installed it with Noobs. Jessie really does seem better and worth the switch. Config is easier and it comes with a nice Office set-up. I couldn’t get the default email client, Claws, to work so I downloaded Icedove, a much better client, the open version of Thunderbird. The add/replace software app didn’t work for me, so I had to learn how to download through the terminal. This advice on doing that was so helpful – I’m glad I found it when I needed it.


Now I’m using both Icedove and Iceweasel on the Pi, have an Office suite, have about 20 Gbs of extra space, and learned a good amount along the way.

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